Is Your Nutrition Plan Helping With Weight Loss & Inflammation?

Time Magazine recently reported on a study which revealed that almost half of Americans are trying to lose weight. Despite so many individuals working toward the same goal, very few actually reach their ideal weight. Rather than trying the latest fad diet or weight loss product, it is crucial to build a nutrition plan that helps with both dropping pounds and reducing inflammation.
If you are looking for effective solutions for weight loss in Charleston, SC, you are certainly not alone. At any given time, an estimated 49% of the U.S. population desires to drop excess weight. With the current nationwide obesity rate sitting at almost 40%1, it makes sense that so many individuals share this mutual goal.
Since there are so many nutrition program choices available (e.g. keto, plant-based), it can feel daunting to decide which path is right for you. Thankfully, researchers have uncovered some key characteristics that must be present in one’s diet to promote both weight loss and overall health. Learn more about how to build a nutrition plan that helps your metabolism thrive, reduces inflammation, and that sets you up for long-term weight maintenance.
Importance of Healthy Fats in Weight Loss
Specific kinds of fats are essential for the proper functioning of the mind and body. Despite seeming counterintuitive, actively including foods and supplements with these fats can boost your weight loss efforts.
There is no way to get around the fact that fat is an absolute necessity for your body. The low fat diet food trend of the 80s and 90s quickly fizzled when studies showed that avoiding all fat is not at all healthy or effective. Instead, the quality of the fats consumed makes all the difference in overall health outcomes.
The three primary categories of healthy fats are:
- Monounsaturated fats (found in foods such as avocados, olive oil, and nuts)
- Polyunsaturated fats (found in foods such as flax seeds, fish, and walnuts)
- Omega 3 fatty acids (found in seafood, chia seeds, algae, hemp and flax)
Some of the primary benefits of consuming healthy fats on a regular basis include a decreased risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. These fats have also been shown to reduce the risk of cognitive decline, including Alzheimer’s disease2. In addition to these benefits, both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats have been proven to aid weight loss, and decrease inflammation throughout the body3.
Key point: Most American's consume significantly more Omega 6 based fats than Omega 3. In order to reduce inflammation consider having your Omega 6 to 3 ratio checked yearly.
The Thyroid and Its Role in Weight Loss
It is estimated that 80% of Americans have a sub-optimal thyroid. When trying to achieve weight loss in Charleston, SC, one (or more) underlying thyroid issues can block your efforts entirely. More specifically, hypothyroidism is one common condition that can lead to weight gain.
To ensure that your thyroid is not getting in the way of your efforts, it is crucial to include thyroid supporting foods within your diet plan. Fish, eggs, kale, and certain kinds of nuts are all wise choices. Ensure your practioner is also testing you for thyroid antibodies. 80% of all thyroid problems are actually immune imbalances, click here to learn more.
Weight Loss and Metabolism Death Foods
In your journey to find solutions for weight loss in Charleston, SC, there are specific types of foods that strongly work against your metabolism. To emphasize how tough these foods are on your body, I refer to them as ‘metabolism death foods.’
Check out some of the top ‘metabolism death foods’ that should be avoided completely when looking to lose weight and reduce inflammation:
1. Wheat: Among all foods, whole wheat is one of the primary culprits of autoimmune problems. Modern wheat (also known as a super sugar), can increase blood sugar levels more than pure sugar. In fact, whole wheat bread can have a similar glycemic index as white bread.
Since wheat crops were scientifically modified around 1960, all of its forms are much less nutritious. There are also studies showing that modern wheat may cause inflammation and increased cholesterol levels.
2. Peanuts/Peanut Butter: In all individuals, peanuts and peanut butter are highly inflammatory. Peanuts commonly cause allergic reactions that range from minor to life-threatening. They also contain aflatoxin (i.e. mold) which disrupts the normal hormone process.
3. Soy: Since it can mimic estrogen within the body, soy products should be avoided by both men and women. Excess estrogen levels promote fat gain, which can make it next to impossible to lose weight.
4. ‘Low Fat’ & ‘Fat Free’ Foods: Processed foods that are labeled as being ‘low fat’ and ‘fat free’ often contain refined vegetable and seed oils. When consumed, these foods trigger a significant inflammatory response. They also disrupt the cells, causing cellular toxicity.
Why Are Restrictive Diets Ineffective?
Although they are promoted by celebrities and fitness gurus on a daily basis, restrictive diets are simply unhealthy and ineffective. Very low calorie dieting is actually one of the main causes of a sluggish metabolism.
Why do restrictive diets lead to a slow metabolism?
When you eat too few calories on a daily basis (i.e. 25% less than what you really need) your thyroid takes note. It’s the master gland of your metabolism, and when your caloric intake is low, it starts to slow down, making your metabolism work sluggishly along with it. Extreme caloric restriction over the course of just a couple days can drop thyroid production by 39%!
It is crucial to be aware that your body needs enough energy—in the form of food and the calories it contains—to power itself. By avoiding ‘metabolism death foods,’ eating foods that are full of healthy fats, fulfilling your caloric needs, and seeking to decrease inflammation, your diet plan will support your weight loss efforts.
If you need additional assistance with creating a nutrition plan for weight loss in Charleston, SC, get in touch with our office today.
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