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5 Ways To Balance Hormones & Your Thyroid | Elite Family Chiropractic Charleston, SC

5 Ways To Balance Hormones & Your Thyroid | Elite Family Chiropractic Charleston, SC

According to the American Thyroid Association1, “12 percent of the U.S. population will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime.” Among those who have a thyroid condition, approximately 60% are undiagnosed. Additionally, an increasing number of both men and women are now being diagnosed with hormonal imbalances. If you suspect that you have either or both health challenges, learn more about the most effective natural treatments that balance hormones & your thyroid.

It should come as no surprise that so many individuals in the United States struggle with hormonal and thyroid imbalances. The standard American diet, which is loaded with processed foods that are high in sugar, sodium, and bad fats, is one of the most significant contributors to these health challenges.

On top of this, factors such as daily stress (which, according to the latest figures, is experienced by a vast majority of the U.S. population) can make each condition worse.

How bad has the problem gotten? A recent study revealed that almost half of all American women over the age of 30 experience symptoms of a hormonal imbalance2. Symptoms such as headaches, bloating, depression, anxiety, weight gain, and fatigue are just some of the common issues associated when an imbalance of estrogen, progesterone, and/or testosterone exists.

In addition to hormonal imbalances, thyroid imbalances are also a major concern. The latest data shows that over “12 percent of the U.S. population will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime.3” Many of these individuals will experience a condition known as hypothyroidism, which is characterized by low levels of hormones produced by the thyroid. Common symptoms of this disease include fatigue, weight gain, muscle weakness, dry skin, and heightened cold sensitivity.

In order to balance hormones & your thyroid for the long-term, addressing root cause factors is crucial. Explore five top nutritional recommendations for achieving this important health goal. 


Strategies to Naturally Balance Hormones & Your Thyroid:

Utilize Better Testing Options

In some cases, patients receive blood work reports that do not reflect a thyroid or hormonal imbalance according to established cutoff values. This can lead many people to believe that there is another cause for their symptoms. However, conventional testing can frequently have parameters that are too limited, resulting in a lack of proper information that supports hormone and thyroid problems. 

To ensure that you are receiving the most in-depth and accurate results, consider utilizing more comprehensive labs such as micronutrient tests, inflammation, omega-6/omega-3 ratios, cholesterol particle/number, and autoimmune markers. 

For those concerned with cost, the process is often much more affordable than most would think. There are several labs in Charleston, SC where you will receive superior testing that costs less out-of-pocket than traditional labs. For more info consider speaking with your physician and practitioner to customize an approach to your needs. 

Once you’ve received your results, it is best to work with a chiropractor, functional medicine practitioner, holistic doctor in addition to your current physician. These practitioners will take a more comprehensive approach to your imbalances, and can help you utilize lifestyle changes to reach your health goals better than using your physician alone. 

Balance Your Blood Sugar

Another essential step to take when working to balance hormones & your thyroid is to balance your blood sugar levels. Since your blood sugar can have a massive impact on both your hormones and thyroid, this strategy is incredibly effective. 

Thankfully, your blood sugar levels can largely be controlled by managing your diet. Be sure to avoid foods/beverages that are high in sugar and carbohydrates. This includes limiting (or even skipping) most fruits.

As a general guideline, only 10-20% of your total daily calories should be from carbs. Vegetables are king but the vegetables with the highest fiber content are the most important.  


Consider Taking Specific Supplements 

There are specific supplements that can better help you balance hormones & your thyroid. The best place to start is by choosing supplements in which the majority of the population is deficient. This includes supplements such as selenium, magnesium, omega-3, and vitamin D3 with vitamin K2.

For those who have hypothyroidism, there are a few additional supplements that can be highly beneficial. A sample of these includes Ashwagandha, iodine, methylated B vitamins, adaptogenic herbs, glutathione, and turmeric.


Avoid “Toxic” Foods

Dozens of foods that are part of the standard American diet are loaded with toxins. These toxins place a major burden on the body, which can lead to (or worsen) symptoms of a hormonal or thyroid imbalance.

Examples of “toxic” foods that should be avoided include:


Increase Your Consumption of Healthy Fats 

Despite increased awareness and education, it is still a common myth that fat in one’s diet should be avoided. While it is certainly true that bad fats (e.g. saturated fat) should be avoided, healthy fats need to be part of everyone's nutritional plan. Examples of fats that help balance hormones & your thyroid include omega-3s (found in salmon, sardines, and supplements) and oleic acid (found in avocados and olive oil).

If you would like to dive deeper into thyroid, autoimmune, and hormonal problems, visit this page.

Elite Family Chiropractic - Chiropractor Charleston, SC Brad Gorski DC, FSBT At Elite Family Chiropractic in Charleston, South Carolina, Dr. Brad Gorski is a top-ranked chiropractor offering effective treatment options for back pain, knee pain, neck and shoulder pain, sciatica, migraines, pinched nerves, herniated discs, and more. Dr. Gorski received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa in 2008. He has completed extensive post-graduate training, becoming qualified in Hospital Based Spine Care, MRI Interpretation Review, and Trauma while also completing a Fellowship in Spinal Biomechanics and Trauma. He provides chiropractic care and helps his patients achieve their goal of optimum health and wellness.

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